Serbia has successfully conducted the joint external evaluation of national capacities for all hazard health emergencies
10 October 2018
- The Joint External Evaluation (JEE) is a voluntary, collaborative process to assess a country’s capacity under the International Health Regulations in order to prevent, detect and rapidly respond to public health threats whether occurring naturally or due to deliberate or accidental events.
Belgrade, 8 October 2018 - The Republic of Serbia has successfully conducted the Joint External Evaluation (JEE) on the capacities for the implementation of the International Health Regulations.
The Joint External Evaluation (JEE) is a voluntary, collaborative process to assess a country’s capacity under the International Health Regulations in order to prevent, detect and rapidly respond to public health threats whether occurring naturally or due to deliberate or accidental events.
In the framework of strengthening the capacities to effectively respond to possible public health emergencies and crisis situations, Serbia recognized the significance of the WHO JEE tool and initiated this process in the country.
Evaluation has been conducted jointly by an international independent expert team and representatives of all relevant national sectors, agencies and institutions including Ministry of Health, Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Environmental Protection, Institute of Public Health, Serbian Environmental Protection Agency, Serbian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency, Institute for Virology, Vaccines and Sera “Torlak” and Belgrade airport “Nikola Tesla”.
The evaluation sessions were opened by Assistant Health Minister, Dr Vesna Knjeginjic, followed by introductory addresses of State Secretary at the Ministry of Agriculture, Mr. Velimir Stanojevic, WHO Representative, Dr Zsofia Pusztai as well as Director of the National Institute of Public Health and national IHR focal point, Dr Verica Jovanovic.
The external technical experts had the opportunity to meet national stakeholders in the field through scheduled visits to the Clinic for Infectious and Tropical Diseases – National Clinical Center, Veterinary Directorate of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management, National Institute of Public Health, Institute for Virology, Vaccines and Sera “Torlak”, but also Belgrade Airport and the Belgrade Emergency Operations Center.
Outcomes of the JEE have identified priority actions that will lead to the development of the National Action Plan for Health Security, in order to strengthen national capacities and country preparedness for all hazard emergencies.
The Joint External Evaluation sessions conducted in Serbia are an integral part of a series of events and activities held on the occasion of the commemoration of this year’s 73rd anniversary of the United Nations. The central theme of the anniversary is the UN Agenda 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals, which were adopted by more than 150 member states, including Serbia, at the UN headquarters in New York in September 2015.
Progress towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals contained in the Agenda 2030, European integration and achievement of the national development priorities are inseparable processes. Thus, this event, that is being implemented through the Development Partnership Framework 2016-2020 between the Government of the Republic of Serbia and the UN Country Team in Serbia, contributes to the efforts of the Republic of Serbia in the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals 3, 9, 11, 13, 17 (good health and well-being, sustainable cities and communities, industry, innovation, infrastructure, climate action, partnership for the goals), as well as the EU accession process through chapters: 1, 10, 12, 14, 27 and 28.