Our Team in Serbia

Matilde Mordt UNCT Serbia RC - photo for website

Matilde Mordt

Resident Coordinator
Ms. Mordt brings more than 30 years of experience and technical knowledge on the Agenda 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals, the environment and climate change, governance issues, social policy, and disaster risk reduction.

Previously she served as UN Development Programme (UNDP) Resident Representative in Ecuador; as team leader for the sustainable development group at UNDP´s regional Hub for Latin America and the Caribbean in Panama; and in different capacities with UNDP in Nicaragua, Paraguay, Argentina and at headquarters in NY, as well as for UN agencies, cooperation agencies and IFIs. She has conducted research, published and lectured on international politics of sustainable development, resilience and climate change, amongst other.

Ms. Mordt holds a Ph.D. in Human and Economic Geography with specialization on livelihoods and sustainability, a master’s degree in international economics and business administration, and a Bachelor in social studies from the University of Gothenburg, Sweden.
Aleksandra Siljic Tomic

Aleksandra Siljic Tomic

Project Coordination Specialist
Aleksandra Siljic Tomic started her professional career in the development of EEA environmental core set of indicators for the Western Balkan region. She has also contributed to various fields of the regional efforts of ENVSEC Initiative, such as environmental remediation for mining legacies and climate change. She joined UN Environment in 2015, having a significant role in the preparation of the GEF funded project addressing land degradation in Serbia, later to assume the position of national project coordinator for projects and initiatives implemented by UN Environment in Serbia at both national and local level. Ms. Siljic Tomic holds a PhD in Environmental Engineering.
Deyana Kostadinova

Deyana Kostadinova

Ms. Deyana Kostadinova assumed her duties as the UNICEF Representative in Serbia in October 2020.

Prior to this assignment, she was the Permanent Representative of the Republic of Bulgaria to the United Nations Office at Geneva.

The new UNICEF Representative in Serbia has many years of experience on child rights, both as an expert and as a politician. She was the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Labour and Social Policy in a caretaker government in Bulgaria. Ms. Kostadinova has also worked as the Head of the Cabinet of the President of the Republic of Bulgaria and as an advisor to the Prime Minister. Her main achievements were always focused on the advancement of the child rights agenda.

Ms. Kostadinova held the position of Director-General of the "Monitoring on Child Rights" Directorate. During her term as the Director-General, she provided overall monitoring of the Child Protection Departments, specialized institutions, schools, hospitals, and NGOs.

Ms. Kostadinova has a Master of Law degree and she began her professional development as a lawyer specialised in human rights.
Donatella Bradic

Donatella Bradic

Western Balkans Sub-Regional Senior Programme Coordinator Migration Management
Donatella Bradic (Italy) is an experienced practitioner and specializes in migration management with focus on protection sensitive practices and procedures in mixed migration flows. Ms. Bradic has extensive experience in border management practices particularly in the context of EU accession.

Ms. Bradic has over 25 years of experience working in international humanitarian aid and development.

Since 1992 she has been working in international organizations including the European Union and the United Nations, specializing in development in fragile communities.

As of 2016 she has been working as Senior Program Coordinator in the Western Balkans based at the IOM office in Belgrade.

She first joined IOM in 1992 and has since worked with the European Union and the United Nations in the region of the Western Balkans and the Middle East.

She is fluent in English, Serbian/Croatian and Italian. She holds a bachelor’s degree in Economics and an MSc in Development and Planning from the University College London

Currently serves as Senior Program Coordinator in the WB and Chief Mission a.i. in Serbia

Fabio Scano

Dr Scano has over 20 years of experience in public health programme management and policy development in areas ranging from disease control, outbreak response, to regulatory strengthening. Dr Scano took up many important assignments with WHO Headquarters in Geneva and in the field including South Africa to assist the country with the outbreak of extensively drug-resistant TB in 2007.

In China, Dr Scano supervised all communicable and noncommunicable disease programmes in the WHO China Office, and supported strengthening of the National Regulatory Authority for medicine, vaccines and other health products. Since Jan 2020, Dr Scano has been at the forefront of the WHO COVID-19 response in China
first and then he provided support to the WHO European office on COVID-19 response. Prior to his assignment in Serbia as WHO Representative and Special Envoy of the
WHO Regional Director for the Western Balkans, Dr Scano was acting WHO Representative for WHO in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Dr Scano is a public health specialist and holds a M.D. from University of Padua, Italy; a post graduate degree in Infectious Diseases and Tropical Medicine; and he is a Yale World Fellow.
John Mossoti

John Kennedy Mosoti

UNFPA Representative for Bosnia and Herzegovina, Country Director for Serbia and the Republic of North Macedonia, and Director for Kosovo (UNSCR 1244)
John Kennedy Mosoti holds Bachelor of Laws degree, Post-Graduate Diploma in Law, a Master’s Degree in Criminal Justice and Diploma in International Environmental Law. John is an established diplomat and brings with him twenty five years’ experience in the private sector, civil society, the United Nations as well as government. As the Chief of the Multilateral Affairs Branch at UNFPA, John
managed UNFPA's political interaction with Member States in the General Assembly, Security
Council, ECOSOC and its functional commissions as well as the UN secretariat. He later became
the Chief of the Inter-governmental, Inter-agency and Policy Dialogue Branch. Most recently, he
was appointed and served as Deputy Global Coordinator on ICPD 25 charged with the
organization of the Nairobi Summit: Accelerating the Promise.

John speaks Swahili, English, French and Arabic. He is married and has three daughters.
Jovan Protic, National Coordinator

Jovan Protic

National Coordinator
Mr. Protic has been the National Coordinator of the ILO in Serbia since 2008, responsible for the ILO’s representation in Serbia and implementation of the ILO Decent Work Country Programme.

Prior to joining ILO, Jovan worked for the UNDP as the Project Manager in charge of the drafting of the National Sustainable Development Strategy of Serbia on 2005-08.

From 2003-05 he worked as the Coordinator of the Reform of the Labour Inspectorate of Serbia, and for the UNDP as the Project Manager of the Capacity building of the Ministry of Labour and Employment of Serbia in 2002-03.
Jovan holds BA in Economics from the University of Belgrade and BSc in Politics & International Relations from the University of London and two MAs in Economics of European Union from the College of Europe, Bruges, and in Law and Economics, Faculty of Law, University of Belgrade. He is currently pursuing his PhD studies of Labour Law at the Faculty of Law, University of Belgrade.
Michela Telatin

Michela Telatin

Head of Office for Serbia
Michela brings a wealth of expertise in humanitarian affairs, conflict analysis and resolution, team management in insecure environments. Prior to joining UNOPS, she held various senior positions as country director with the ICRIC in conflict-affected countries in Africa, Latin American and Asia. She also worked in the humanitarian policy and advocacy sectors in the UK and Canada, and in the financial sector in the City of London.

Michela holds a PhD in International Relations, a Doctorate in Languages and Literature and a Masters degree in Development Studies. Her research interests include international relations, the link between development and security, and Security Sector Reform.

She is fluent in English, Italian, French, and Spanish.
Milana Rikanovic, Gender Specialist, Head of UN Women Serbia

Milana Rikanovic

UN Women
Gender Specialist, Head of UN Women Serbia
Ms. Rikanovic has more than 20 years of professional experience with international organizations in the Western Balkans and Tajikistan, including UN organizations, World Bank and EU initiatives, where she has been leading diverse, complex and multi-sector programmes. This included the Women Economic Empowerment portfolio in Serbia and MNE where her engagement in the area of women's labour rights and gender-based discrimination was featured as the model programme of the economic empowerment of women inclusive of CSOs and local communities. She developed gender responsive governance portfolio in UN Women, where she initiated the programme at the local level and started the process of gender mainstreaming of the EU assistance and accession process and sectoral strategies and budgets.
Mr Sinisa Durkulic for UN Serbia website

Sinisa Durkulic

Officer in Charge ad interim of the UNODC Programme Office in Belgrade
Economist by training, Mr. Durkulić monitors and reports on drug trafficking and organized crime on the national level and through the UNODC Regional Programme for South-Eastern Europe. Throughout his career Mr. Durkulić has worked for peace-keeping missions in the former Yugoslavia (UNPROFOR, UNTAES) as well as for UNHCR, UNDP, UN Office Belgrade and UNODC in Serbia.
Soufiane Adjali

Soufiane Adjali

Soufiane Adjali is a jurist with more than 28 years of experience with the United Nations and international organizations.
Mr Adjali started his career in 1994 as a Human Rights Officer at OHCHR in Rwanda whereafter he worked as a Civil Affairs Officer for the United Nations Peace Keeping Operation in Bosnia and Herzegovina, UNMIBH - DPKO.

He joined the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugee (UNHCR) in 1996 and occupied several positions in International Protection, in Oversight (Inspector General Office in the Executive Office of the High-Commissioner), in the Management of Operations and as Liaison / Representative of the High-Commissioner in operations in the Americas, Africa, Europe, and the Middle East.
Mr Adjali speaks Arabic, French, English, Serbian and Persian.
Soufiane Adjali assumed the duties of the Representative of UNHCR in Serbia in February 2023.
Vladimir Olegovich Rakhmanin

Vladimir Olegovich Rakhmanin

Assistant Director-General, Regional Representative for Europe and Central Asia
Throughout his career, Rakhmanin has dealt with key policy issues at global and regional levels, including assignments in Beijing, Washington D.C. and Moscow.

From 2002 to 2006 he served as Ambassador of Russia to Ireland.

Prior to joining FAO in January 2014, he was deputy head of the Energy Charter Secretariat in Brussels.
Yakup Beris

Yakup Beris

Resident Representative
Mr. Yakup Beris has been appointed as UNDP Resident Representative in the Republic of Serbia in August 2022. Before the Republic of Serbia, he was the Resident Representative in Kazakhstan, leading UNDP country programme focusing on public institutions, social policy, economic diversification, and green transition, with a forward-looking development agenda on digitalization, innovation, and green finance.

Mr. Beris has 25 years of work experience in various international organizations at headquarters, regional, and country levels.

Prior to his assignments in Serbia and Kazakhstan, Mr. Beris led UNDP’s Regional Programme for Arab States based in Amman, Jordan and served as Regional Programme Adviser for the UNDP Regional Bureau for Arab States in New York. He led a team delivering various regional projects in diverse development settings across the region, which included work on economic integration, social cohesion, anti-corruption, gender, climate resilience and crisis response.

Mr. Beris also worked in senior positions in UNDP country offices in Khartoum, Sudan, during the finalization of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement as well as in Amman, Jordan, leading a programme focusing on policy advise and capacity support.

Prior to UNDP, Mr. Beris worked for the World Bank in its several departments in Washington, D.C. focusing on social development, governance and decentralization in Africa and Middle East. He also worked for Turkish Business Association (TUSIAD), a CSO/think tank, established by business leaders in Turkey, both in its Istanbul and Washington, D.C. offices.

Mr. Beris co-authored book chapters and articles on governance and decentralization and wrote on political and economic reforms in Turkey.

He holds an MA in public management from Maryland University, College Park in the USA and a BA (double major in political science/international relations and sociology) from Bogazici University in Turkey. He is married and is a proud father of two kids.