UNRC Talking Points - UNECE Renewable Energy Re-Uptake 2021 Hard Talk: Serbia
Talking points by Françoise Jacob, UNRC at the UNECE Renewable Energy Re-Uptake 2021 Hard Talk: Serbia.
Thank you for inviting me. Much has been said by the experts already, so let me mention 4 short points:
1. First point is on the need to fast track actions and come up with real solutions, which this meeting is about, and move away from status quo, and talking only about risks and threats. COP26 reached mixed results, I really welcome this discussion about shaping new mechanisms to accelerate the energy transition and make energy distribution more efficient. knowing Minister Mihajlovic, I trust the action will pick up pace.
2. My second point is on the approach to fighting climate change, it should be inclusive, addressing the whole of government/whole of society. This is a common endeavour, that goes beyond the interests of one ministry, one company, or one group of civil society. While today, the discussion is very technical and brings in experts, we have to keep in mind that those who should benefit or be involved are the citizens, the local authorities, the SMEs. we need to make sure that they are involved from the beginning.
3. This takes me to my third point, the need to communicate more and better. When I talk to different groups or to the media about the green transformation, I get mostly 2 questions: what are the solutions, and what can we do as individual citizens, as a small enterprise? Communication is about sharing knowledge, data, it is about raising awareness to build up action, and it is also about sharing a vision and building trust. Serbia is already moving on the path of the green transformation, but most citizens think it is not doing anything. So we should communicate differently, to create interest, understanding, action and support.
4. Fourth point is on the fact that Serbia, with 7 million people, has the perfect size to trailblaze the green transformation and create many opportunities for the youth and the private sector. In the past 15 months, the country has started to put the legislative and regulatory foundations in place for such transformation. Of course, we need money, but money is actually available, if there are good projects and good mechanisms such as what will be discussed today and tomorrow. This has been the biggest shortfall here and elsewhere.
Finally, a word on the role of the UN. Energy transition and addressing climate change in a just manner are at the core of agenda 2030. Besides generating knowledge and evidence such as what UNECE does, the UN in Serbia is committed to develop solutions, pilot new ideas, and most importantly, ensure that we address the needs of the most vulnerable, those who are off grid, those who do not have access to information, or to a bank account. We will support the inclusion of specific schemes for such vulnerable groups, so that they too can live in a better and safer world.
Good luck, have a great talk. Hvala!