UN RC Remarks at launch of the Cooperation Framework 2021-2025
Minister of Foreign Affairs and UN Resident Coordinator in Serbia
Minister of Foreign Affairs Monsieur Selakovic, Minister for European Integration Mme Joksimovic, Ambassador Milanovic, my dear colleagues from the UN Team,
Danas sam srećna!
Potpisivanje Okvira saradnje je rezultat intenzivnog procesa između Ujedinjenih nacija i Vlade Srbije zajedno sa međunarodnim partnerima i civilnim društvom. Proces se dešavao tokom složenog i teškog vremena pandemije.
Mi smo morali da budemo kreativni i uporni da razvijemo smislen sadržaj. Morali smo da predvidimo novu budućnost. Morali smo da se dogovorimo zajedno iako smo bili odvojeni i distancirani.
I am happy today. The signing of the cooperation framework is the result of an intense process of consultation between the UN and the government of Serbia, along with development partners and the civil society, that took place during the complex time of the Covid pandemic. We had to be creative and persistent to develop a meaningful content, we had to anticipate a new future, and we had to agree while often being away from each other.
Sad kreće engleski
The Cooperation framework is the blueprint to support the country achieve the joint ambitions of National development priorities, Agenda 2030, and the EU Accession Agenda. The three strategic priorities of this cooperation focus on i) the green transformation, ii) social protection/health/education/demographic resilience and iii) rule of law, human rights, gender and good governance. It is an exciting endeavour that will fast-track Serbia progress towards a sustainable future, opening multiple new opportunities for economic and social development, and leaving no one behind.
Fighting inequalities, ii) fast-tracking actions to mitigate climate change, natural and man-made disasters, and environmental destruction, iii) expanding safe and effective digitalization, iv) addressing risks such as data misuse, misinformation and hate speech, v) closing the gender equality gap and of course vi) fostering peace, trust building and a safe space for the civil society will be some of the key areas for our joint work in 2022 and beyond.
The UN is a unique partner. Our role is shaped and guided by universal norms, values and principles, along with multiple international conventions; it is both normative and developmental. Our vision of the world is one where society grows with equality, harmony and love among people, and in harmony with the environment.
We have a shared responsibility to implement this framework. As an immediate next step, we will develop joint coordination mechanisms to allow all parties to contribute effectively to the results. In that regard, I am grateful for the presence of Minister Joksimovic, we have a lot to plan for and achieve together.
Finally, I would like to thank Minister Selakovic and the Ministry’s staff, who worked so hard in the past few weeks to finalise this document and get it approved. I also want to thank all my colleagues present here, and those outside Serbia who could not attend this event, for your extensive contributions to the cooperation framework. As I like to say, the scope of knowledge and expertise within the UN system is so abundant, so forward looking and so inspiring. Let’s make the best use out of it. I certainly look forward to work with all of you in the coming months and years, for the benefit of the people of Serbia. We have little time to transform our world, and you can count on our collective commitment to act with a great sense of urgency.
Hvala, merci.