Youth Wellbeing - Our Mission, Their Strength: World Population Day Marked Today in Serbia
10 July 2023
Sremski Karlovci - United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) marked World Population Day today in the Eco center Radulovacki in Sremski Karlovci

World Population Day marking holds great significance as it addresses the momentous milestone reached last year, when the global population surpassed 8 billion in November 2022. The primary objective of this event was to convey a joint message on the significance of youth well-being and youth participation in the development of their communities, as well as to emphasize the importance of multisectoral cooperation in achieving the full potential of every young person in Serbia.

„We need to talk more about the needs of young people, their problems and expectations, and find mechanisms to listen to what they recognize as important. I am happy that a large number of partners joined us today, because only through joint action and dialogue can we create solutions tailored to young people and for young people“- stated Borka Jeremic, Head of Office of the UNFPA in Serbia.
Following up to the World Population Day global theme centered around gender equality in a world of 8 billion, the event also served as a platform to foster discussions on the vital role played by gender equality and youth engagement.

In her video message, Darija Kisic, Minister for Family Welfare and Demography and Co-Chair of the Coordination Body for Gender Equality of the Republic of Serbia, highlighted the importance of working on population issues in the country. “ Our task is to look beyond the numbers and invest in people and their potential. Every person of our country is equally valuable, and everyone contributes to its development”- stated Kisic.
It is estimated that young people make one fourth of the global population. „The Ministry of Tourism and Youth recognizes young people as a heterogeneous category and invests efforts in improving the position of youth from the local to the national level, striving for young people to be recognized, included, asked for opinion and their contribution recognized as significant. We see the well-being of young people as the most important resource for the development and progress of the entire society, as well as for facing demographic challenges.“- stated Ivana Antonijevic, Assistant Minister at the Ministry for Tourism and Youth.

This year also marks the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and with the growing population this is the momentum to reflect and accelerate action to ensure that all human rights are realised and respected.
“Serbia is at a turning point for the management of its demographic resilience. There are so many economic and development opportunities for this country, as it embraces the green agenda, and prepares for the EU accession. The UN work in Serbia aims to create a sustainable, inclusive, and peaceful world, to reduce inequalities, eradicate discrimination, and advance human rights. We work increasingly with and for the young population, to create opportunities and space for a meaningful engagement on political, economic, social and environmental matters. By doing so, we invest in our future”, stated Francoise Jacob, United Nations Resident Coordinator in Serbia.

Mr. Luca Gori, Ambassador of Italy to the Republic of Serbia and Mr. Christian Schilling, from the Embassy of Germany to the Republic of Serbia highlighted the role of youth engagement and life skills development as a key to strengthening demographic resilience in a world of 8 billion. During the event, young artist Iva Lorens gave a short musical performance and personal testimonial reflecting on the relevance of youth wellbeing and gender equality.

After the ceremonial part, two workshops that foster youth wellbeing and youth engagement in promotion of human rights and community development took place. Workshops are part of the Joint Programme “Peer Mentoring Program for promotion of human rights, gender equality and increased youth participation in Serbia” implemented by UNFPA and UN Women with the support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of the Republic of Italy , and by the Government of Germany through GIZ Program “Prospects for Young People in Rural Areas in Serbia”.
The event is a part of the Human Rights 75 Initiative to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.