Belgrade, October 13, 2023 – To strengthen, unite and raise the capacity of women police officers, eight policewomen networks in the Western Balkans, as well as European and regional networks, signed the "Declaration on cooperation and improvement of the position of women and networks of women in the police from the region" with the support of UN Women in Serbia.
"We will promote gender equality and strengthen the culture of gender equality and respect for diversity in the police. We will encourage and support the formation, strengthening and cooperation of networks of women in the police, at the national and regional level. We will promote and support leadership and women leaders in the police...," reads the Declaration signed by women in police networks from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina - Federation, Bosnia and Herzegovina - Republic of Srpska, Bulgaria, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia, Slovenia, European Network of Women in Police, and Southeast Europe Police Chefs Association (SEPCA). The Declaration was signed at a regional conference entitled "Women in Police and Leadership: Challenges and Good Practices" organised on 13 October 2023 by Women in Police Network in Serbia with the support of UN Women in Serbia.
Signatories have also pledged to advocate for the empowerment of women in the police through the promotion of education and trainings, for their fair treatment and career advancement; for the health, safety and well-being of all women in the police as well as for the promotion of the general safety of women in society and the prevention of all forms of gender-based violence against women and domestic violence.
According to Katarina Tomasevic, representative of Women in police network of the Republic of Serbia believes in the principle of equal opportunities, an open exchange of experiences and a common focus on overcoming security risks. "The strength of the feminine principle overcomes all diversity, recognizes and highlights the necessity of cooperation, togetherness and integration as a model for preserving and improving the security of every citizen in the region," said Tomasevic.
Her colleague from Austria, Elena Gherta who is SEPCA regional coordinator believes that Women Police Officers (WPO) play a huge role in the law enforcement and that having WPO in leading positions can make a big change. "Thanks to this Declaration, the regional efforts will be done on prevention of all forms of gender-based violence against women and domestic violence, promotion of gender equality, sharing best practices and expertise that will assure the security of all women and men”.
Highlighting UN Women’s ongoing efforts in Serbia to advance gender equality and women’s empowerment, Milana Rikanovic, Head of UN Women in Serbia, said: “With this cooperation, we are sending a strong message that we are fighting against harmful gender stereotypes, prejudices and discrimination and we firmly believe that this Declaration is an important step in achieving that goal.”