Training for a Brighter Future
Public Call for the unemployed Roma and Returnees

UN entities involved in this initiative
UNDPSustainable Development Goals
Contact information
danijela.lakatos@undp.orgAbout the initiative
Belgrade, 14 June 2022 – With support of the European Union, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) has launched a Public Call for Applications for prospective participants of employability training courses intended for returnees under the Readmission Agreement and the Roma. The courses aim to provide an opportunity to vulnerable returnees, as well as to Roma women and men, to gain new knowledge and skills in order to find employment more easily.
Eligible applicants are unemployed Roma persons and Returnees from vulnerable or hard-to-employ groups, residing in the territories of Novi Sad, Bujanovac or Valjevo.
Those interested may apply for training to develop their personal and professional skills, digital skills or knowledge and skills in various trades and occupations.
Training in personal and professional skills is geared towards the development of soft skills such as business communication and presentation, self-confidence and ability to tackle various challenges.
Training in digital skills will allow the participants to master the basic skills in the field of information technologies, as well as knowledge required for the most sought-after IT industry occupations (Wordpress, Scrum, QA Software tester and DeVoPs).
By taking vocational training courses in various skilled trades and occupations, the trainees will gain theoretical and practical knowledge and skills in the mechanical, wood processing, electrical and beauty care industries.
Through professional courses for various trades and occupations, participants will acquire theoretical and practical knowledge and skills from the mechanical, wood-processing and electrical professions and beauty care.
Applications should be submitted electronically, by sending in the completed form that can be downloaded here:, to the e-mail address: The applications deadline is July 30, 2022.
The full text of the Call is available at:
This Public Call has been launched within the project “Strengthen National and Local Systems to Support the Effective Socio-Economic Integration of Returnees in the Western Balkans”, implemented by the UNDP and funded by the European Union within the IPA II programme “EU Support to Fundamental Rights of Roma Community and Reintegration of Returnees”.