Common Country Analysis - Serbia
The Common Country Analysis (CCA) responds to the urgency of the 2030 Agenda by delivering an evidence-based joint analysis of the context for sustainable development in Serbia. The analysis integrates the UN’s overall commitment to the principle of Leave No One Behind, the UN Charter values, and to international norms and standards. It rests on traditional and non-traditional quantitative and qualitative data and sources, including a broad consultation process.
This CCA examines the state of affairs and progress in the achievement of the core areas of the SDGs. It takes into account the limited nationalization of the SDGs, which curtails the opportunity to prioritize policy interventions. It provides an up-to-date COVID-19 socio-economic impact analysis across six areas and uncovers the remaining challenges that help define both opportunities and cross cutting issues. The challenges include structural path-dependencies; slower than needed reform processes; embedded inequalities; incomplete strategic, legislative and policy frameworks and limited effectiveness and gaps in practical implementation. Therefore to contribute to delivering the 2030 Agenda in Serbia, this CCA provides tailored analytical insights and identifies areas for structural intervention.