Strengthening the multi-stakeholder dimension of national development planning and the SDGs in Serbia

The purpose of this report is to support the RCO and UNCT in their endeavour and obligation to accelerate the realization of the SDGs in Serbia.
The objective is to:
• Map and analyse the current practice in planning, mainstreaming and implementing the SDGs in Serbia by various stakeholders;
• Propose recommendations and concrete actions for the UNCT to strengthen or streamline multi-stakeholder interventions for the realization of the SDGs — including a revised stakeholder engagement strategy.
The scope of work:
• A national stakeholder mapping exercise for engagement and participation on the 2030 Agenda implementation in the Republic of Serbia, including identification of challenges and opportunities to strengthen stakeholder engagement through existing platforms;
• An analysis of stakeholder engagement in the preparation of the VNR that was presented at the HLPF in 2019, including the engagement of youth, CSOs, academia, parliament and the private sector;
• Recommendations for alternative or additional ways of conducting stakeholder engagement in the context of the COVID-19 situation;
• A summary of recommendations to be included in the 2021-2025 CF.