Borba protiv diskriminacije lezbejki, gej, bi, trans i interseks osoba STANDARDI PONAŠANJA ZA PREDUZEĆA

The publication "Standards of Conduct for Tackling Discrimination against LGBTI people" launched in September 2017 provides five concrete steps that companies can take to align their policies and practices with international standards on human rights of LGBTI people.
It also offers in its background section analysis of the responsibilities and opportunities for the private sector in its interaction with stakeholders in three areas: workplace, marketplace and the community. It provides in an annex several case studies and highlights best practice by companies in dealing with challenges related to the human rights of LGBTI people. It is essential reading for anyone interested in the role of the private sector in respecting and promoting the fundamental human rights of LGBT and intersex people.
Serbian is the seventh language in which Standards are available globally!