Development Partnership Framework 2016-2020 Government of the Republic of Serbia and United Nations Country Team in Serbia

Development Partnership Framework (DPF) for Serbia 2016-2020 is a strategic document developed in the close cooperation and through a partnership between the Government of the Republic of Serbia and the United Nations Country Team in Serbia.
This DPF is grounded in key national development priorities and it was formulated through an extensive consultation process that took place during 2014 and early 2015 among national and international stakeholders in Serbia. A comprehensive Country Context Analysis was conducted in early 2014 and it was used as a reference during the strategy formulation.
The DPF is coherent and compliant with the following overarching processes: EU integration priorities for an EU candidate country, Post-2015 National Consultations “Serbia We Want” and Sustainable Development Goals agenda and on the operational front with the Standard Operating Procedures for Delivering as One. In line with the Standard Operating Procedures for Delivering as One, the DPF is formulated in the spirit of One Programme, which contributes to strong national ownership and government leadership, increased transparency, reduced duplication, increased coherence of planning and better delivery and reporting results. Other elements of Standard Operating Procedures for Delivering as One will also be considered and applied as appropriate – Communicating as One, Operating as One, One Leader.
This strategic framework presents five key results areas – i/ Governance and Rule of Law, ii/ Social and Human Resources Development, iii/ Economic Development, Growth and Employment, iv/ Environment, Climate Change and Resilient Communities and v/ Culture and Development - and nine outcomes (see attached Annex A) where the United Nations Country Team and the Government of the Republic of Serbia will work together in the period 2016-2020 in close cooperation and complementarity with other partners to advance the development agenda of the country. This strategic document alone does not imply direct financial obligation of any of the two partner sides.
Nineteen UN Agencies, Funds and Programmes will take active part in the implementation of the DPF as full signatories to this document together with their respective national counterparts. The joint implementation work will be managed through the establishment of the five Results Groups (RG) tasked to prepare and implement the 2-year joint work plans to be signed with relevant Government of the Republic of Serbia counterparts and concrete activities, including their costing and source of funding, will be defined and agreed upon between the parties at that stage of the process. CSOs and other partners will be invited to take part in the implementation of the selected activities. Implementation of the migration management related elements in the DPF will be done in close cooperation with the International Organization for Migration (IOM).
UN Country Team activities under DPF will be coordinated by the UN Resident Coordinator with the support of the Office of the UN Resident Coordinator.