Budget for gender equality in a time of pandemic: hindering progress or closing the gap
Every crisis is a challenge and in every challenge lies opportunity. It pushes us outside the boundaries of the status quo and moves us to open our minds and to seek new, different and often improved solutions. UN Women has conducted the analysis Budget for Gender Equality in a Time of Pandemic: Hindering Progress of Closing the Gap in an effort to gain a better insight into and understanding of the impact that public finance management has on gender equality during major crises.
Svaka kriza predstavlja izazov, ali i šansu. Ona nas tera da iskoračimo iz “statusa quo” i da se otvorimo za nova, drugačija i često bolja rešenja. UN Women je izradio analizu Rodna ravnopravnost i budžetiranje u doba pandemije: usporavanje napretka ili zatvaranje jaza sa ciljem boljeg sagledavanja i razumevanja uticaja koji upravljanje javnim finansijama tokom velikih kriza produženog dejstva ima na rodnu ravnopravnost.