Progress in monitoring of environment-related SDG indicators in the Republic of Serbia 2021

The publication was created as a result of the project "Strengthening data and indicator framework for monitoring and reporting on the environmental dimension of the 2030 Agenda and SDGs in the Republic of Serbia", implemented in 2021 by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and Office of the United Nations Resident Coordinator in Serbia (UNRCO) in cooperation with the Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia (SORS).
The publication presents the main results of the initial phase of the research for 93 environment-related SDG indicators identified by UNEP. Out of the total number, the publication visuals show that 70 are applicable for the Republic of Serbia, while the remaining indicators do not have developed methodologies and are not relevant for Serbia.
Special attention was paid to the group of 27 unique environment-related indicators for which, at the time the research began, data for the Republic of Serbia were available in the UN database, but were not verified and available in the database of the SORS.
Through cooperation with the respective national institutions, 8 new indicators were added to the national database. The work continues on the remaining 19 indicators with competent institutions, identified through the research, for verification and publication. The SORS and UN partners will also continue to explore the remaining 33 environmental indicators with currently unavailable data sources.
This publication provides insights into the status of 27 analysed indicators, as well as respective institutional authority. Environment-related SDG indicators already published for the Republic of Serbia are separately presented due to their importance in achieving faster progress towards the goals of the Agenda.