Transparency of Arms Exports in South East Europe: 2020 Regional Report on Arms Exports

The Regional Arms Exports Report, covering Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Serbia, is a result of more than a decade of regional cooperation and commitment to transparency by the Western Balkan governments, willing to share their arms exports data. The first regional report was published in December 2009.
The 2020 edition has marked similar trends to previous years in arms exports from the region but also flags new ones. The number of issued licenses corresponds with the average of the previous years, with 665 licenses issued worldwide in 2020. Instead, the total amount of issued licenses that were used has declined. Expressed in percentages, 41.89% of the licenses issued were used. In 2020, 62.93% of the arms exports by the region were related to the ML3 category – as per the EU Common Military List. ML1, ML2, ML4, and ML8 follow the above-mentioned category.
According to the 2020 report, Serbia remains the leading arms and ammunition exporter in the region, accounting for 72.89% of the total region's exports, while Bosnia and Herzegovina follows with 25.14%. In comparison to the 2019 report, Serbia's share in total exports increased, while Bosnia and Herzegovina's share has decreased. Albania’s, Montenegro’s, and North Macedonia’s shares in total exports from the region declined in 2020.
The Regional Arms Exports Report is a knowledge product developed by SEESAC in partnership with the governments from South East Europe and is financed by the European Union within the framework of the EU Council Decision (CFSP) 2019/2111 in support of SEESAC disarmament and arms control activities in South-East Europe reducing the threat of illicit small arms and light weapons and their ammunition.
To access the 2020 Regional Report on Arms Exports, click here.
The previous reports are available here.