Manual for the development of a local youth strategy and action plan

As a result of cooperation between the Ministry of Tourism and Youth and the International Organization for Migration (IOM) within the Global M4SD project, supported by the Swiss Government through the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) the Manual for the development of a local youth strategy and action plan was created. The purpose of this Manual is to present the basic steps in the process of creating a local strategy and action plan for youth, to explain why these steps are important and how to achieve them. The manual is developed for representatives of local authorities and relevant institutions for youth care at the local level, i.e. those who will most actively participate in the process of developing and later in the processes of implementing local strategy and youth action plan.
Considering the achievements in the field of youth policy that have occurred in the meantime, as well as changes in legal regulations in the Republic of Serbia and the adoption of a number of relevant international regulations in the field of youth policy, it was necessary to update and adapt the Manual for the development of a local action plan (LAP) for youth from 2009. This manual conveys experiences and examples of good practice from pilot municipalities from workshops on building the internal capacities of local youth offices, i.e. local self-governments, thereby introducing other interested municipalities to the possibilities that migration can offer for local economic development.