19 septembar 2019 | 11:00 AM - 14 oktobar 2019 | 11:59 PM
Public call for CSOs/NGOs to submit project proposals within UNDP Regional War Crimes (RWC) Project
We invite all interested NGOs from Bosnia & Herzegovina, Montenegro, Croatia and Serbia to submit project proposals to help facilitate processing of war crimes in the region.
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The UNDP’s Regional War Crimes (RWC), supported by the UK Government, project calls all Civil Society Organizations (CSO’s) and Non-governmental Organizations (NGO’s) from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Croatia and Serbia to submit project proposals in line with the overall project goals from the following priority areas:
- Enabling active participation of victims and witnesses in processing war crimes including enabling victims to participate in war crimes cases as witnesses, or victims (injured parties) or to observe trials, especially in cases with cross-border elements,
- Advocacy, on behalf of specific victims or groups of victims, in support for processing of specific war crimes,
- Providing psychological and other support (logistical, legal, information guidance) to war crimes victims in acting as witnesses or victims (injured parties) in proceedings,
- Representation of and/or legal assistance to victims participating in war crimes cases as parties (injured party),
- Representation of and/or legal assistance to victims in legal proceedings for compensation after war crimes trials.
Projects eligible for this public call are those whose requested budgets are between 5,000 EUR and 30,000 EUR, and RWC reserves the right not to allocate all available funds. The duration of the projects can be between 6 (six) and 12 (twelve) months, and the projects must be implemented during the period between December 2019 and November 2020.
Who may apply:
Participating in this public call is open to all on equal basis, for CSOs and NGOs (associations or foundations) formally registered in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Montenegro and Serbia and in accordance with the valid legal regulations. The interested parties can find all necessary information on application and criteria for financing in the Guidelines for application which is part of this Public Call.
Where and how to collect and submit the application material
Documentation for the public call for the RWC project can be obtained as of 17 September 2019, by sending a request with the name of the interested organization to the email address: registry.ba@undp.org. Pertinent information as well as an electronic version of the entire application package can also be obtained from: http://www.ba.undp.org, http://www.rs.undp.org and http://www.me.undp.org). Should any additional information and clarifications be required, potential candidates may send a request with the reference to the Public Call for Applicants/RWC Project to the email address: registry.ba@undp.org. Replies to the queries will be sent in writing within 4 days after the receipt of the request. Answers to the queries will be forwarded to all potential submitters of proposals or posted on the webpage.
Submitting of applications:
Completed applications, with all mandatory documentation, must be submitted in three (3) printed copies and one electronic copy (on CD or USB stick) by registered mail or in person, in a sealed envelope indicating the public call, during work days (Monday to Friday), between 08:00 and 17:00 hours, to the address: UN House, Zmaja od Bosne bb, 71000 Sarajevo Bosnia and Herzegovina. The electronic copy must contain obligatory project documents (project proposal, budget proposal, log frame and the promotional and activity plan).
The deadline for submitting applications is 14 October at 14:00 hours. Applications arriving after the specified deadline will only be considered if the postal mark indicates a sending date before the official deadline. The outer side of the envelope must contain the name of the public call for project proposals, full name and address of the applicant, full name of the project and the words: „Do not open before official opening “. The RWC Project will keep records of any received project proposals and will issue pertinent receipts. All applicants, whether their project proposals are approved for funding or denied or rejected, will be notified in writing of the decision on their project proposal within 30 days of closing the public call. Results will be announced at the web site.